Vo is one of the most alluring models around, but you won't find many pictures of her on the
internet. The best collection is an entry on
Asian Sirens, where photographer
Adam Yurman talks about working with Ingrid and "scans his own shots out of a popular magazine and uploads them to the Internet like some kind of
scanmaster." He does good work. Apparently, the magazine is Penthouse. You can see Ingrid online at
Pacific Beauty. The way Pacific Beauty works, you pay to join a "photo club," which gives you access to a set of photos (for example, the "Ingrid Wet and Wild" photo club contains 58 photos). This is a one time fee, and you can view the photos from that one "photo club" on their web site as often as you like, forever. By the way, their most popular photo clubs are all
Kaila Yu, which may be because she is the only model whose last name gets used, or because she is easier to find on the web (there is a lot to be said for advertising).
Links for Ingrid Vo:Asian Sirens (read the comments)
Pacific Beauty